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Analytics Data collection

SCNX is a ScootKit service designed to allow servers to create fully customizable Discord experiences. As part of SCNX, server owners can enable the "Analytics" feature which allows them to collect and analyze certain data about messages sent on their server.

We respect your privacy and want to be as transparent as possible.

Which data will be collected and processed?


Data will be only collected on servers whose owner has opted in to this feature. This feature is disabled by default.


We never save or process message content, embeds or attachments. We won't record or process voice conversations in voice channels.

Data about messages

The following data will be collected about messages sent on servers that opted-in:

  • Timestamp of the message being sent.
  • Unique identifier of the author the message (this won't be saved if the author has opted out)
  • Whether the message was part of an interaction with a bot (to determine if the message was a command).
  • Whether a bot replied to the message (to determine if the message was a command).
  • The unique identifier of the channel the message was sent in.
  • The unique identifier of the server the message was sent in.
  • The unique identifier chosen by Discord for this message.

Daily data stored about servers

Every day at 0:00 (CET, respecting summer time) the following data will be stored about every server that has opted in:

Duration of data storage

Data about individual messages are saved up to 32 days, but are usually deleted after 30 days of collection.

Data stored daily about servers are saved permanently, because these data points can not easily be linked to individuals (because we only save very limited total amounts, not individual message or user data). This data is needed to allow server owners to view long-term (like multiple months or years) analytics.

Reasons for data collection

Collected data will be used to:

  • Insights for server owners and administrators: These users can view and use analytics about their own server.
  • Insights for server members: Members can use certain commands to view their own and their fellow server member's analytics.
  • Insights for end users: Users can view how many messages they sent in participating servers in their dashboard.
  • Verification of activity requirements for certain servers: Learn more
  • To allow server owners and admins to compare their activity against the activity of other participating servers.
  • To create long-term analytics about activity on all participating servers.

ScootKit and third parties will not use collected data for advertisement purposes.

Opt-Out for end users

If you do not want that the server owner can view how many messages you wrote, or you do not want us to collect data about you, simply use the /privacy enable command on any server using SCNX analytics. This setting is called "Privacy Mode" and will be applied to all servers that use SCNX to collect analytics.

  • All data stored about you and your messages will be anonymized, meaning that your user id will be removed from them. This means that nobody (not even we) knows that you sent a message; instead we only know that a message was sent.
  • All data about messages you send in the future will be anonymized, meaning that we won't store your user id. This means that nobody (not even we) knows that you sent a message; instead we only know that a message was sent.

Enabling the privacy mode is irreversible. Even if you disable the privacy mode, we can't restore anonymized data, meaning that only new messages will be collected.

You can always disable the privacy mode and allow messages to be collected by using /privacy disable.